For many years I’ve always wanted to have an Olde Fashion Basset Hound. Meet Lambeau, born on April 4, 2014, bred by Olde Fashion Bassets. Lambeau came to me as an adult, age 5.5 when his owner passed away in Northern California and when I learned he needed a new family and that he was one of Jane and Bethany’s Basset Hounds i was so excited! I am originally from Wisconsin, now living in Arizona.
I attended the nationals dog show, meeting both of these amazing breeders many years ago, and I’ve always wanted one of their puppies. Lambeau came to me a few months prior to covid and he was my saving grace. Lambeau has the sweetest personality, happy tail wagging boy and is a lover. Lambeau loves to be where his momma is, touching me and his favorite place to nap is crawling up on my chair/ottoman and laying right on me and getting some love while giving momma lots of love in between naps.
This is my first time meeting Lambeau
Lambeau loves people and especially kids. Lambeau really loved one of his co-stars, Miranda Schneider who plays Rob Schneider’s daughter in the movie “Daddy Daughter Trip” and Lambeau is featured in 3 different scenes in the movie. Lambeau made a great therapy dog for the filming crew and cast and was happy to oblige with love and in return he received lots of belly rubs.
When Lambeau and I met it was pure LOVE at first sight for us both.